This is our cool website to keep you up to date on...well, let's face it...Aaron, Ryan and Madison!!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Vancouver, B.C. Aquarium (July 2008)
Aaron checks out a sea turtle A sloth hanging out in the butterfly room
Ryan likes the butterfly room
Aaron points out "Nemo"...he actually found a clown fish and started calling it Nemo...if you look closely you will see it in the picture
Strange fish
Mommy and Aaron watch the otters play
Mommy beluga whale gets checked out while the baby beluga (bottom right corner) watches
Aaron watches the dolphin show on Daddy's shoulders
It's amazing how high the dolphins could jump in such a small space
Aaron earned a driver's license in Stanley park's driving school for kids
Pooped! Do you see the snake around his shoulders? Out of all the items in the gift store at the aquarium, this is what he picked (we tried really hard to persuade him without success).
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