Our Family

The boys

Like big brother...push Ryan!

Sweet boys

Aaron (3 1/2 years old)

Ryan (12 1/2 months)

There's the silly boy we know!

Yep, another drummer

Who knew a 3 year old could fit in a
Tonka truck!

That's better


Here we are...coming up on 8 years of marriage...
geesh, who's the old married couple?!

Silly Daddy and Aaron
Another family photo

Even the pups had their photos (I was hoping to have a family photo with them but they were too excited to stay put)
More silly boys!
(For those of you who live in Bellingham - Faith Photography took these photos. They are very reasonable. For a flat rate, they came to our house and setup, spent an hour photographing, took about 150 photos and released all copyright. Laura was great we would highly recommend her!)
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