This is our cool website to keep you up to date on...well, let's face it...Aaron, Ryan and Madison!!
Monday, June 08, 2009
Band Tour to "Pokane" (Spokane) with a return trip through Leavenworth
Yep it is the start of the trip and Aaron is zonked out...Ryan is still holding 0n. Fortunately for me Kaylee (our nanny and friend) volunteer to drive out with me on the band trip to Spokane. I don't know how I would have survived on this trip without her!
Isn't he getting big (16 months)?
Ryan tests out the Tonka truck Aaron waited 15 or 20 minutes in line to go on the go-carts with Daddy. They sat down in the car and Aaron decided it was too loud!
So...mommy got to drive! Don't I look fast?
Aaron had fun in the did Ryan. They definitely are not fish in the water but they are coming around.
The boys had fun throwing toys into the water.
River Front Park
Spokane Falls goes right through the middle of the park
Aaron rode the airplanes all by himself. Mommy and Daddy are too big for this ride.
We had to pry Aaron off of this ride to go eat lunch.
Aaron pretends to play a video game just his size.
More of the falls...yes, this part is a dam.
Ryan ties on Kaylee's sunglasses
Here we are in a gondola ride over the falls
Ryan tries on Aaron's hat
Kaylee and Aaron on a carousel that is over 100 years old
Self portrait...Ryan and Mommy on the carousel
Cool clock tower in River Front park Matt, Brian, and Alan enjoying Kaylee's cotton candy
I love this...a Radio Red Flyer Wagon...this has got to be the world's biggest Red Flyer Wagon...what a fun slide!
Aaron of course tried it out
So did Ryan and Mommy!
Ryan and Aaron on the blocks...they did not want to pose...they wanted to climb
Aaron gets a better look at the Lilac Parade (the largest start light parade in the states - over 260 entries!)
Ryan's turn!
Here comes the band! Because it is at night the pictures didn't come out very well. Turns out that the bands are not judged in this parade. It is 2 1/2 miles long (this is long when the hometown parade is less than a mile), not to mention the 1 1/2 mile trek to the start of the parade.
Ryan shows us his nose
Leavenworth!! A fun Bavarian town in the located near the Wenatchee National forest in the Cascades.
A look into down town
Neat Buildings...very reminiscent
Kaylee and Ryan check out the horse Lunch with Brian (Matt's first student teacher) and Daddy
Cheese! It was 89 degrees!
Fun at the Hat Store! Hamburger Head Aaron!
Hot Dog Head Ryan!
Hmm...I'm not sure black hair is your look.
Chicken Hat! Aaron loved this one. We all had to try it on.
Aaron tries the chicken
Froggy Hat
Over all it was a very fun trip! Thank goodness I had help!
Wow I love the radio flyer slide! I want to go there too! It looks like the fam had a great time.