I had no idea how much time it was going to take to make Ryan's first birthday cake...thank goodness Chelsea was willing to help! I started baking at 8:30 a.m...by 11:30 all of the cakes were made. We started frosting at about 1 p.m. and finished about 4:30 p.m. But the cake came out great!

Aaron helped too!

Our forearms hurt for days! Boy do I have a new respect for cake decorators!

Here he is!
Daddy and Aaron found all of the candy for his face...I think they did great!

Pretty cute, huh?! Oh, in case you didn't know, Ryan's birthday theme was Baby Einstein. This is the
Oh wow! We may have to hire you to make Nate's first birthday cake :) I don't know if I'll have this sort of dedication!